Example 29
A sample report with a header and a footer.
It contains a list of the example files in a table with some information about the file
On the following pages the content of the first three example files will be listed.
<?php include_once "../src/Report.php"; use Adi\ReportLib as ReportLib; // Create report instance $report = new ReportLib\Report(); addHeader($report); addFooter($report); addText($report); addTable($report); addSource($report); // Produce the output of the report $report->output(__DIR__ . "/example_029.pdf", 'I'); /** * Adds the header to the report * @param ReportLib\Report $report * @return void */ function addHeader(ReportLib\Report $report): void { $header = $report->getHeader(); $vc = $header->AddVContainer(); $vc->setMarginBottom(5.0); $box = $vc->AddBox(); $box->setUseFullWidth(true); $box->setHeight(15.0); $if = $box->AddImage("logo2.png", true, 0.0, 10.0); $if->setVAlignment('M'); $if->setHAlignment('R'); } /** * Adds the footer to the report * @param ReportLib\Report $report * @return void */ function addFooter(ReportLib\Report $report): void { $footer = $report->getFooter(); $tsBold = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::BOLD); $vc = $footer->AddVContainer(); $vc->setMarginTop(5.0); $box = $vc->AddBox(); $box->setUseFullWidth(true); $tf = $box->AddText("Adiuvaris - At the lake 901a - 18957 Lakeside - 100 000 00 01", $tsBold); $tf->setHAlignment('C'); $tf->setVAlignment('B'); } /** * Add the title texts * @param ReportLib\Report $report * @return void */ function addText(ReportLib\Report $report): void { $tsHeading1 = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::HEADING1); $tsHeading2 = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::HEADING2); $tsBold = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::BOLD); $body = $report->getBody(); $body->AddText ("Project Examples", $tsHeading1); $body->AddVDistance (10.0); $body->AddText ("PHP library 'ReportLib'", $tsHeading2); $body->AddText ("PHP library for dynamic PDF reports using the TCPDF library", $tsBold); $body->AddVDistance (20.0); } /** * Adds a table with all example files * @param ReportLib\Report $report * @return void */ function addTable(ReportLib\Report $report): void { $tsHeading2 = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::HEADING2); $tsSmall = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::SMALLNORMAL); $tsSmall->setFontFamily('Courier'); $body = $report->getBody(); $table = $body->AddTable(); $table->setUseFullWidth(true); // Add four columns to the table $table->addColumn("name", "Filename", 40.0); $table->addColumn("lines", "Number of lines", 30.0, 'R'); $table->addColumn("modi", "Last modification", 30.0, 'C'); $table->addColumn("size", "Filesize (Byte)", 20.0, 'R'); $files = array_diff(scandir(__DIR__), array(".", "..")); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!str_starts_with($file, "example")) { continue; } $fileSize = filesize(__DIR__ . '/' . $file); $fileTime = filemtime($file); $content = file($file); $row = new ReportLib\TableRow('D'); $row->setText("name", $file); $row->setText("lines", count($content)); $row->setText("modi", date("d.m.Y", $fileTime)); $row->setText("size", $fileSize); $table->addDataRow($row); } } /** * Adds the source code of the first three example files * on separate pages. * @param ReportLib\Report $report * @return void */ function addSource(ReportLib\Report $report): void { $tsHeading2 = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::HEADING2); $tsSmall = ReportLib\TextStyles::getTextStyle(ReportLib\TextStyles::SMALLNORMAL); $tsSmall->setFontFamily('Courier'); $body = $report->getBody(); $num = 0; $files = array_diff(scandir(__DIR__), array(".", "..")); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!str_starts_with($file, "example")) { continue; } $num++; if ($num > 3) { break; } $body->AddPageBreak(); $body->AddText("Content of file '" . $file . "'", $tsHeading2); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); $content = file($file); foreach ($content as $line) { if (strlen($line) > 1 && $line[1] == '*') { continue; } $body->AddText($line, $tsSmall); } } }