Example 8
The first line is a solid line with default color black and a default extent of 0.1mm
Then follows a solid line with an extent of 1mm
Next is a centered solid line with a length of 100mm and an extent of 0.5mm. The color of the line has been set to green.
Then a red dashed line with a length of 120mm, left aligned.
Then a blue dotted line with a length of 50mm, right aligned.
At last there is a grey dash-dotted line.
<?php include_once "../src/Report.php"; use Adi\ReportLib as ReportLib; // Create report instance // default format A4, portrait with margins left = 20mm, top = 10mm, right = 10mm and bottom = 10mm $report = new ReportLib\Report(); // Get ref to the report body $body = $report->getBody(); // Print a default line $body->AddHLine(); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Print a default line but with an extent of 1mm $body->AddHLine(1.0); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Print a centered line $body->AddLine(100.0, 'H', 'C', 'T', 0.5, "#00FF00"); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Print a left aligned dashed line $lf = new ReportLib\LineFrame('H'); $pen = new ReportLib\Pen(0.2, "#FF0000", 'dash'); $lf->setPen($pen); $lf->setLength(120.0); $body->addFrame($lf); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Print a right aligned dotted line $lf = new ReportLib\LineFrame('H'); $pen = new ReportLib\Pen(0.2, "#0000FF", 'dot'); $lf->setPen($pen); $lf->setLength(50.0); $lf->setHAlignment('R'); $body->addFrame($lf); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Print a grey dash-dotted line $lf = new ReportLib\LineFrame('H'); $pen = new ReportLib\Pen(0.2, "#CCCCCC", 'dashdot'); $lf->setPen($pen); $body->addFrame($lf); $body->AddVDistance(5.0); // Produce the output of the report // uses the same params as TCPDF (F = File, I = Preview etc.) $report->output(__DIR__ . "/example_008.pdf", 'I');